Parcel Dim Labels (26)
| Parcel Dim |
Right of Way Dim Labels (199)
| Rightaway CL Dim |
Property Setbacks (190)
All Address Points (30)
| Verified Primary Address |
| Unit Number |
| Building Specific |
| Verified Address |
| General Property Address |
| Unverified Address |
| Unverified Primary Address |
Maricopa County Parks (23)
| Lake Pleasant Regional Park |
Peoria Corporate Limits (Line) (526)
Peoria Parcels Vacant (250)
Peoria Parcels (with Accessors Data) (2)
Peoria Parcels (3)
Peoria Parcels Retired (27)
Peoria Subdivision (Labeled) (6)
Peoria Subdivision (unLabeled) (5)
ADOT RightOfWay (515)
Street Ownership (525)
| ADT |
| GLN |
| MCR |
| MRC |
| PHX |
| SUN |
| SUR |
Street Centerline (Peoria) (14)
| Major Street |
| Minor Street |
| Freeway |
| Freeway Ramp |
| Railroad |
Major Street Centerline (Peoria) (10)
| A |
| B |
Street Labels (16)
Street Name Grid (Anno) (17)
Railroads (516)
Peoria Alleys (499)
PW Collars (509)
PW Monuments (503)
PW Apron (504)
PW Curbing (505)
PW Pavement (506)
PW Pavers (507)
PW Sisewalk (508)
PLSS Line (Full Section) (11)
PLSS Quarter Sections (511)
ADWR PLSS Q Section (512)
ADWR PLSS QQ Section (513)
ADWR PLSS QQQ Section (514)
Public Lands (ALRIS) (20)
| Bureau of Land Mgmt. |
| Bureau of Reclamation |
| County Land |
| AZ Game and Fish |
| Luke A.F.B. |
| Parks and Recreation |
| State Trust Land |
| Tonto National Forest |
Street Alignments (Mile) (18)
Proposed Village Street Alignments (4)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |
Street Intersections (19)
Township/Range/Section (Quater Section) (501)
Council Districts Current (21)
| Acacia |
| Ironwood |
| Mesquite |
| Palo Verde |
| Pine |
| Willow |
Council Districts Historic (502)
| Acacia |
| Ironwood |
| Mesquite |
| Palo Verde |
| Pine |
| Willow |
Site Num (25)
Paloma Park Rendering (500)
| Red: Band_1 |
| Green: Band_2 |
| Blue: Band_3 |